Micromanagement without feedback breeds discontent. Discontent is the world where most staff members I know are forced to live. Divine calling is thrown out the window. Organizational policies supersede God's call to any ministry outside the realm of Senior Pastor. If God has called you to a specific generation or ministry field, you will no doubt experience insecurity and disrespect. Daily it seems leaders fall by the wayside, choosing instead a secular life, often devoid of God entirely. How sad that often it is God's people, even God's elect, that push great potential over the edge. I am not making excuses for those who choose moral failure or to simply quit. Actually, quite the opposite. I hope I didn't contribute to the exasperation of another leader, though I am sure in my bull-headed nature, I have, either through disrespect or even neglect.
It is all I can do at times to keep myself focused on the call. Disillusionment with ministry can creep in fast. It is a battle, however, worth fighting.